Saturday, November 8, 2014

Mycosynth Lattice+Darksteel Forge+Nevinyrral's Disk

Quite a bit of mana but let's you repeatedly wipe the opponents board (for one mana) will leaving your stuff alone.

Quillspike+Devoted Druid+Rites of Consumption

Repeatedly tap devoted Druid, place a -1/-1 counter on it, then eat that counter with quill spike and the mana you created. When Quillspike is big enough, play Rite of Consumption to kill an opponent.

Phyrexian Processor+Trostani,Selesnya's voice

Being able to dump 15 or more life, and then gaining it back immediately and creating the biggest creature on the board is awesome.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Bloodflow Connesuir+Reveillark+Karmic Guide

Play and sac Reveillark, play karmic guide to return Reveillark and sac Karmic Guide then Reveillark, repeat.